Energypac Power Generation PLC has recently held a two-day free health checkup camp for its employees in a bid to ensure good health of its employees. The health camp was recently held at Energy Point premises, in collaboration with Carnival Care.

For Energypac, the well-being of its employees has always been a top priority. In a competitive world it is essential to look after health for productive service at workplace and realizing this issue the company organized this health camp. 

During the health camp, a comprehensive range of medical examinations and consultations were offered, creating an opportunity for the employees to receive expert advice on different health issues. Services included general checkups, dental checkup, screenings for common health issues and consultations with experienced healthcare professionals.  

Humayun Rashid, Managing Director & CEO of Energypac Power Generation PLC, said about this initiative, “Driven by one of our core values ‘caring for our community’, we arranged this health checkup camp for our employees. The main purpose of this initiative was to inspire a healthy lifestyle among the co-workers.   Energypac is happy to organize something that could make a difference in employee’s overall health and wellbeing.”

The response was phenomenal as lots of employees availed this opportunity, resonating with Energypac’s vision to make individual health a priority.  

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